
Batri mphamvu

Ngati mukufuna kuyika dongosolo mwachindunji, mutha kuchezera zathuMalo Ogulitsa pa intaneti.

  • The HT-CC20ABP and HT-CC40ABP battery capacity testers are high-performance, high-precision test equipment designed for battery charge and discharge performance evaluation. The products support a voltage range of 9V-99V to meet the testing needs of different types of batteries. Onse omwe amalipiritsa ndi kutulutsa kwamphamvu ndi voliyumu kungasinthidwe kukhala masitepe 0.1v ndi 0,1a ndi masitepe osonyeza kusinthasintha komanso kulondola kwa mayeso.

    Kuti mumve zambiri, Titumizireni kuti tifunsidwe ndikupeza mawu anu aulere lero!

  • Heltec the two high-precision battery charge and discharge capacity tester: the HT-BCT series are widely used in battery research and development, production, and quality control, measure battery capacity. The HT-BCT50A supports charge and discharge tests of 0.3V to 5V batteries, with an adjustable current range of 0.3A to 50A, which is suitable for testing small batteries; while the HT-BCT10A30V supports 1V to 30V batteries, with a current range of 0.5A to 10A, which is suitable for medium-voltage battery pack applications. Both devices provide multiple working modes such as charging, discharging, static, and cycle testing, and have multiple protection functions such as overvoltage, overcurrent, reverse connection, and temperature control to ensure that the test process is safe and reliable. Zipangizozo zili bwino kwambiri ndikuthandizira kulumikizana kwa USB ndi kompyuta, komwe kumakhala kovuta kwa kasamalidwe ka data ndi opaleshoni. The built-in temperature-controlled fan system has stable heat dissipation and can adapt to a variety of working environments.

    Kuti mumve zambiri, Titumizireni kuti tifunsidwe ndikupeza mawu anu aulere lero!

  • This multifunctional battery test and equalization instrument is designed for charge and discharge testing, equalization and maintenance of various batteries such as electric vehicle batteries, energy storage batteries, solar cells, etc. With a maximum charge of 6A and a maximum discharge of 10A, it allows the use of any battery within the voltage range of 7-23V. Kusiyana kwa mayeso a batri iyi komanso chida chofanana ndi dongosolo lake lodziyimira pawokha ndikuwonetsa mawonekedwe a njira iliyonse. It allows users to directly use the instrument for detection, easily monitor battery health, evaluate performance indicators and accurately perform maintenance tasks through the display screen.

    Kuti mumve zambiri, Titumizireni kuti tifunsidwe ndikupeza mawu anu aulere lero!

  • Heltec 20V capacity test and equalization instrument is suitable for lithium battery, Nickel Metal Hydride, Nickel Cadmium Battery, Alkaline Battery, lithium Iron phosphate battery, lead-acid batteries. It provides the versatility and power you need to test and balance your batteries effectively. Izi zikutanthauza kuti mutha kukulitsa njira ya betri yanu mukamawonetsetsa kuti amagwira ntchito yothandiza.

  • Heltec HT-BCT50A battery charge and discharge capacity tester, a multifunctional and reliable tool designed to meet the testing needs of various batteries. Kulipiritsa kwa batri ndikutulutsa katswiri wotulutsa mapangidwe athunthu kuphatikiza njira zogwirira ntchito, zotulutsa, kupumula ndi kuzungulira. The battery charge and discharge capacity tester supports stand-alone testing of up to 5 cycles and online testing of up to 9999 cycles, providing flexibility and efficiency in the battery testing process.

  • Zida Zoyeserera Pang'onopang'ono 9-99v 20A Kulipiritsa ma 40A Kubwezera Battery Treter
  • Ichi

    Njira yotsimikizika ya batri yopangidwa bwino ili motere, kuchepetsa mphamvu mankhwala ndi zinthu zakuthupi poyesa: